Study Notes:
- 1. Introduction and Chapter 1: Chaos to Order, obscure to clarity, The Law/Decrees begin, feasts.
- 2. Genesis 2: Sabbath (Rest), God’s Image, Marriage, More Decrees (Law), Generations.
- 3. Genesis 3: Sin Enters the Garden; The Fall of Mankind; The Devil, Man, and Eve go to Court.
- 4. Genesis 4: The first city (important)/first Lamech (important)/first wives besides Eve (Important).
- 5. Genesis 5: Adam’s Line multiplies; major theme; “he lived, then fathered, then lived, then died.”
- 6. Genesis 6-8: Sons of God/Daughters of Men/Nephilim/Giants/Corrupt/Violent earth/The Flood.
- 7. Genesis 9-11: Noah’s Ark/Ham’s Sin/Generation of Nations/The Canaanites/The First Anti-God.
- 8. Gen 12-13: God’s Unconditional Covenant/Abram-Father Typology/Significance of Abram’s Altars.
Study Notes: